

The more you sell, the more you can buy.

Receive an instant offer and get paid instantly*


Get a quote

Answer some easy questions about the item you wish to sell or consign. To help us determine its value, we ask that you include a few pictures of each item. We will offer an instant custom quote to you with two estimates for each item:

Direct Purchase Estimate

This is the fastest way to get cash for your item.

Consignment Estimate

This is your estimated payment after we have sold your item.

Visit Us / Ship to us

Bring the items that you would like to let go to our store, or ship to us for inspection.

Authentic Review

Your item will be inspect by our internal experts, verify its authenticity, and notify you with our actual offer. If you agree with the offer, we will photograph and merchandise your item for listing on our website and social media platforms, displays on our physical store.

If you have a change of heart or are not satisfied with our actual offer, we will return the item to you at your expense.

Get Paid

If you elected to sell your item directly to us, we will send payment via bank transfer instantly*. If you choose to consign with us, we will send payment within two business days of selling your item.

*Upon successful authentication of item(s).

Selling is as easy as buying.

Contact us for an instant quotation.

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